"Toy Picker Upper"

The following animation was completed for a classroom project in which the goal was to design a device which performs a single repetitive task. I designed a machine that picks up toys after children, inspired by the look of firetrucks, which clean up messes in real life. Animation was done in Maya. 

"Misplaced Things"

This stopmotion animation features the idea that your things sometimes are not where you thought you left them. Editing done in Final Cut. 


The following video was a classroom exercise. The parameters were to use green screen and special effects to generate a certain mood or feeling for the viewer. Created in Adobe After Effects. 


Below is a continuation of the Fear prompt, where what seems to be a peaceful dream subtly and suddenly becomes a nightmare. Created in Adobe After Effects. 


A classroom exercise on animating shapes and creating imagery around a specific word. Created in Adobe After Effects. 

"Kingdom of Heaven"

A classroom exercise on color correction, and how it affects the mood of a particular scene. A clip was selected from the movie "Kingdom of Heaven," and by manipulating color balance, the goal was to subtly alter aspects of the scene's atmosphere. Edited in Adobe After Effects. 

"Hair Brush"

An exercise on animating shapes and 3D functions in After Effects. 

"Awkward Moments"

An exercise on motion tracking, edited in Adobe After Effects.